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Myths of Orthodontic

     Myth 1: Orthodontic treatment can only be done on children

     Orthodontic treatment can be done at any age. Teenagers have a fast metabolism and can change quickly, so it doesn't take too long for them to finish orthodontic treatment. 

     But this doesn't mean that only kids can get braces. Patients who are adults can get orthodontic treatment as long as their gum health allows it.

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     Myth 2: It's easy for orthodontic teeth to get loose and fall out as you get older.

     This mistaken belief mixes up orthodontics with gum disease. Most of the time, loose teeth are caused by not taking care of the mouth. 

   Plaque builds up around the teeth when you eat, and if you don't clean it off right away, it can turn into tartar and infect the gums, which is called periodontitis. Periodontitis causes the alveolar bone and other tissues that support the teeth to break down. 

   As the alveolar bone breaks down, it shrinks around the tooth root, which causes the tooth to become loose and fall out. During orthodontic treatment, force and alveolar bone reconstruction will cause teeth to become looser, but this will go away on its own once the treatment is over and the teeth are no longer under stress. 

   As long as the oral environment is kept clean and periodontitis is avoided, loosening and loss of teeth will not be a problem in the future.

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     Myth 3: Getting braces means taking out teeth, which will hurt your health.

     Tooth extraction is a common and well-established orthodontic treatment. 

     It won't hurt the patient's function or health in any way. It should be said that the purpose of extraction treatment is to make up for the difference between the size of the tooth and the size of the bone. 

     If there isn't a clear bone imbalance between the upper and lower jaws, malocclusion is caused by not enough room in the alveolar bone for all the existing teeth. Extraction treatment not only makes the tooth volume and bone volume match up better, but it also makes the treatment result more stable. 

     Also, the Oriental face shape has a nose that isn't as straight, lips that stick out more, and a chin that isn't as developed as the Western face shape. Many patients (60%) need orthodontic extractions to get a better face shape.

    Myth 4: Orthodontics takes a long time and costs a lot, but a course to fix a porcelain crown is short and only needs to be taken once.

   Teeth aren't like machines; tooth movement is a natural part of the body, so the speed of treatment is limited by how the body works. 

  Orthodontic treatment for adults usually takes between one and a half and two years. Even though the porcelain crown treatment course is short, dentures are still dentures, and worn down dental tissue can't be replaced. The aftercare and long-term prognosis (usually five to ten years to replace a porcelain crown) shouldn't be ignored, and it's not a permanent fix like some doctors claim.          Many dishonest people in the community stole the idea of porcelain crowns and made the so-called "beauty crown 7 days fast correction." 

   In reality, there is no such thing as a crown. The crown is not a professional term, and it is not done by a professional doctor. Instead, these places take advantage of the patient's desire to see results, regardless of the consequences. For example, a lot of healthy tooth tissue is ground up and then put on the crown. This is called a "beauty crown." In fact, the patient will have to deal with teeth that can't be saved and damaged gums for a long time. 

   There is no such thing as a fast orthodontic treatment, because moving teeth is a scientific and slow process. Professional treatment makes sure that the treatment works and keeps the health of the teeth and gums.

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    Myth 5: Brackets are ugly and make life and work harder.

    Modern orthodontic technology is very advanced, and there are more and more types of brackets. Based on different aesthetic needs, there are many orthodontic treatment options, such as ceramic brackets, lingual brackets, bracketless invisible brackets, etc., that can achieve different levels of aesthetic effect and have little effect on work life after a period of getting used to them.

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Contact: Tala lee

Phone: 86-15291766814

E-mail: [email protected]


Add: Longhua street,shenzhen City,Guangdong,China